Sunday, April 21, 2013

the funniest/saddest thing you'll ever watch -- all rolled into a 2 minute video

You guys are the BEST. Thank you all for the nice messages and encouragement from my last blog post, and my blog in general since I've started it.

I know yesterday's was kind of a serious one, and not everyone agrees with me on everything I wrote or whether I should have written it, but either way I sincerely appreciate and welcome your feedback.

I really love hearing from you guys!

On a lighter note, last night I watched a video from last Easter of one of my nephews that ALWAYS makes me laugh (and a little sad too.) Let's just say, we did NOT put any chocolate bunnies in his Easter basket this year. But seriously, watch this!! You won't regret it - hilariously heartbreaking.

I've had a lot of people tell me that they have thought about starting a blog but haven't gotten around to it, and my advice is: Go for it! I'll read it! :) You'll find it really isn't about who agrees with you or likes what you're reading, it's just fun to write what's on your mind. You may find it's not for you, but you may find yourself looking back on previous blog posts and being happy you wrote them. Almost like a journal. :)

Anyway, went on a little trip to the ER today, since Friday's trip to acute care didn't help. The adverse reaction to my medication has gotten worse.

So now, (you'll need to pay attention here) I just have to deal with the side effects of the steroid I'm on to cure (what they originally thought was) the allergic reaction to the antibiotic I was on for my sinus infection that wasn't really the cause of my adverse reaction at all. I found out today it was a different med. that caused the reaction, so I have to start all over now and try a new medicine that hopefully won't give me another adverse reaction.
Did you get all that? ;)

Hope you're having a better weekend than mine.