Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Favorite Wedding Pictures!

Preston and I got hitched! (about 3.5 years ago) But, I wasn’t on top of it with the blog thing back then. So, I’m posting around 75 of my favorite pictures now. Better late than never? I think so!

I’m not going to write captions for the pictures, because the sun is still shining (and update: ALL the snow on my deck has officially melted). So even though it’s only 28 degrees, I think Preston and I are going to put on our winter gear and go to a nearby state park for a little hike before the beautiful sun goes down. Then, I’m going to spend the evening (watching “Dancing with the Stars”) and working on my “craft corner area” that I’ve been trying to organize up in our loft. Right now, it’s a complete disaster zone, but I’m hoping once it’s finished and I have all my craft supplies/materials in one organized spot, it’ll feel more manageable to tackle some of the DIY projects I’ve been wanting to do. Wish me luck – I’ll post pictures when it’s all done.

Hope you enjoy looking at our favorite wedding pictures! Some of these, I never put on Facebook, so they may be new for some of you. :)

Note: All pictures are taken by Schneller Photography (Rod Schneller) or Bernie Hunhoff.




