Monday, April 15, 2013

new job

Far too often the following statement is true for me.
There have been many, many nights where I've been up until 4am, unable to break myself away from the last few chapters of a book -- and then the next day is spent in a half-awake daze -- but I still justify my decision as being the right one.

Here's another totally relatable cartoon:

Ok, now on to my point. I've been substitute teaching since last fall along with giving piano lessons after school. I completed a 3-month position as a middle and high school Spanish teacher, and a couple weeks ago I started my next adventure as the librarian at the Intermediate School (grades 3-6) for the rest of the school year.
As an avid reader, this has been so fun for me.

Substitute teaching in general has been quite the learning experience! If you would've told me a year ago, that I'd be substitute teaching full-time right now I never would've believed it. It's unbelievable how God provides new opportunities for us and opens doors that we never would have imagined opening.

I have absolutely zero prior experience working in a library, but I do have lots of experience spending time in libraries. :)
Especially when I was growing up. Some of my best summer memories were the days when it was way too hot to be outside. We'd head to the library and get to pick out a bunch of new books in the nice, air-conditioned building. I felt like a kid in a candy store and always picked out way more than I could ever read before the next time we went to the library. Then on the way home we'd stop and get some ice cream, and then literally read inside in front of the fans blowing, drinking ice water and iced tea, all. day. long.
I know that's a tradition my parents keep going with my little sister -- and all the librarians in town know her by name and love her. :) She's definitely more likable than I am -- and more responsible. She never gets late fees or loses books, so no wonder they like her better than they liked me.
Although I have a local library card, now I tend to go to Barnes and Noble and buy the book more often than checking it out -- because I get fairly attached to a good book and sometimes hate having to return it to the library.

It's a little ironic that I'm working in the library, because there was a period of time when I aspired to be a librarian. Part of the reason I changed my mind on that, is because I was really scared of some of the librarians at our local library. Looking back, they were perfectly fine. It's probably because I had those previously mentioned bad habits of getting late fees and losing books.

I especially like children's books. I still read them now. I love giving books to my nephews and little sister, so I always check out the children's section in the library/bookstore just to check out what fun new characters they're introducing and what's popular.

My faves were Boxcar Children mysteries, Nancy Drew mysteries, Pippi Longstocking, Little Critter, Clifford, Dr. Suess, anything by Louisa May Alcott... man, I could go on and on.
It's seriously SOOOO cool to see kiddos STILL reading the same books I did when I was their age and getting excited about them. Clever, new books are constantly coming out, but I think those classics that can stand the test of time are so amazing.

I've especially noticed Boxcar Children and Nancy Drew to be two of the most popular series to get checked out!

I've never had lofty career goals to be a doctor or actress or Olympic snowboarder (ha, ha, and HA) 
But I think one of the all-time coolest jobs would be to write children's books -- especially chapter books. I loved"Anne of Green Gables" and Louisa May Alcott. And who can forget Laura Ingalls Wilder's books?

Without those books, I know I wouldn't have ended up having the love for books I do now.
Maybe someday.