Friday, May 24, 2013

....... be kind anyway

Happy Friday everyone!  
Recent events, such as the not-completely-amazing (can you tell I'm trying really hard to keep a positive attitude about all this dreariness?) forecasted weather and Lucy having surgery & needing us home while she recuperates, have changed our Memorial Day weekend plans a bit -
 --- but we still plan on having fun of course! :)

I know we need rain, and I love the rain, but day after day of cloudiness -- with hardly any rain actually falling -- is getting old.

I usually allow myself about 10 minutes a day (minimum ;)...) on Pinterest -- and yesterday I saw this great quote.
It's easy to feel like a compliment or word of encouragement doesn't do any good in the long run - or even that people who are going through hard times could never be cheered up by anything we say. But this reminds us that every act of kindness no matter how small impacts people in ways we'll never know. I actually think it's better that we don't know the extent of what our kindness does -- because feeling good about ourselves isn't the point at all.
Mother Teresa definitely had a way with words.
Have I posted that before? Probably. I have read those words so many times I have them memorized -- which is not a bad thing, because every line is so true and inspirational to always do and be your very best.

Anyway, the last day of school was TODAY.
I'll certainly miss all the kids, but I LOVE summer and know they're all ready for a break too. One of the things I like about subbing, is that I don't really have to say "bye" to the kids at the end of the year -- because I know I'll more than likely be subbing in one of their classes next year and see them in the halls before and after school.
Preston and I have both been super busy lately, and looking ahead at our calendar for the summer months, life's just going to get busier!

So, with that in mind, we're going to take this long weekend to just relax and lay low. We have a few plans in the works but nothing set in stone. We haven't celebrated Mother's Day with my mom yet, and Preston's birthday is on Tuesday, so a family get-together will likely happen.

Whatever your plans are, I hope you have a great weekend.
